Food Supply
Nurturing the local agri-food sector with SG Fresh Produce logos and the AfA on Local Produce Demand Offtake and Consumer Education

Strengthening Singapore's food security requires a collective effort, where consumers and businesses both play essential roles by supporting local produce. The SG Fresh Produce logos and the recently concluded Alliance for Action (AfA) on Local Produce Demand Offtake and Consumer Education are some of the ways we are encouraging increased offtake of local produce.

By Singapore Food Agency Published 25 Mar 2024


  • A series of SG Fresh Produce logos introduced in February 2022 allow consumers to easily identify local produce on packaging and selected marketing collaterals. It can also be used by local farms to brand and promote their produce.
  • An AfA that brought together various industry stakeholders to encourage greater offtake of local produce was launched last year. Its outcomes include an industry-level supply and demand aggregator, and onboarding the Hotel, Restaurant and Catering (HORECA) businesses on to the Farm-to-Table Recognition Programme


Singapore may import most of its food, but local food production continues to play a crucial role in solidifying Singapore’s food security. In carrying out its mission to ensure a supply of safe food, the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) actively supports collaborations and initiatives to encourage the increased offtake of local produce. 

One example is the introduction of a series of SG Fresh Produce logos in February 2022. The 1-star logo refers to produce that is grown in Singapore, while the 2-star and 3-star logos signify farms’ adherence to Singapore Good Agricultural Practices (SG GAP) and Clean and Green Urban Farms (C&G) standards, affirming quality and sustainability in local produce respectively.

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All about the SG Fresh Produce 2-star (SG GAP) and 3-star (SG C&G) logos


A 2-star logo signifies that the produce is grown on farms certified to the SG GAP standard. It is a label of quality assurance, as the farm has been audited and certified for production of good quality farm produce. This assures consumers of high-quality farm produce. It is also a testament to the farm’s commitment to adhering to rigorous standards in food safety management, environmental practices, and the well-being of both farmed animals as well as employees.

2-star farms excel in three key areas:

  • Optimising animal health and welfare: Implementing strict biosecurity measures and establishing standard operating procedures for animal welfare.
  • Ensuring produce quality: Demonstrating best practices in farming operations to consistently deliver high-quality produce.
  • Minimising environmental impact: Following guidelines to safeguard their surroundings and adopting practices that minimise negative impacts on the environment.

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A 3-star logo signifies that the farm’s produce is not only quality-assured, but also sustainably farmed. Adopting C&G Certification benefits farms by enhancing productivity, optimising resource utilisation, minimising waste generation, and simultaneously ensuring food safety and quality. Consumers can trust that 3-star farms are contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

3-star farms encompass agriculture and aquaculture, sustainable and environmentally conscious practices:

  • Agriculture Farms: Ensuring fresh, pesticide-free produce grown sustainably with efficient resource utilisation without compromising the environment.
  • Aquaculture Farms: Cater to various farming systems for fish, crustaceans and mollusks in freshwater, brackish and marine environments. These farms maintain sustainable practices through all phases of production.

How to apply?

Farmers seeking the 2-star logo must submit the application form for SG GAP Certification Mark along with the third-party Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) accredited Certification Bodies’ audit report and issued certificate to SFA for evaluation. Farms requiring assistance in meeting SG GAP requirements, can apply for the Agri-food Cluster Transformation Fund.

Achieving the 3-star status requires a two-step certification process. Farms must first get certification from third-party SAC-accredited Certification Bodies based on the SG GAP standard, followed by the C&G standard. Details on certification criteria and sample testing requirements are available on the SAC website.

 Harvesting innovation with the 3-star SG Fresh Produce logo

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Credit: Sustenir

Obtaining the C&G certification has been a rewarding journey for Sustenir. Chief Executive Officer Jack Moy shares his thoughts on:

The challenges of achieving the C&G certification

“The journey to put an operating system in place is a challenging, long-term commitment (but) there is support every step of the way from industry players, SFA and educational institutions like Republic Polytechnic – so don’t see this as a solo journey!”

The 3-star C&G certification

“GAP (required for 2-Star status) is necessary for all growers to be competitive commercially – the 3-star certification can positively differentiate local produce from others.”

Being one of Singapore’s 3-star farms

“(We) can spur industry to start some friendly competition for every player to keep improving. After all, being able to reduce water and energy consumption per kg grown is not only good for the environment it will also lead to reduced cost of production!”


Bringing industry cohesion to the next level

The industry has also pushed on with efforts to encourage demand offtake of local produce. An industry-led, SFA-supported AfA was launched in 2023. “The AfA comes at a crucial point when it is time for the HORECA, agri-food, and retail industries to collectively commit to collaborating with one another and creating offtake for local produce," said AfA Chairman Stanley Goh when the launch was announced. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of Food Solutions at SATS.

Since its formation, the AfA has introduced an industry-level supply-and-demand aggregator spearheaded by the Singapore Agro-Food Enterprises Federation (SAFEF). "SAFEF will partner traders and food processing companies via longer-term commercial aggregator contracts to better match supply and demand. This gives certainty to both producers and buyers and allows better price negotiations,” said Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment Dr Koh Poh Koon in his Committee of Supply speech in March this year. Such a cooperative approach helps local farms to penetrate supermarket retail and learn to adapt to changing consumer preferences and market trends effectively.

The AfA has also seen greater participation from HORECA businesses in the Farm-to-Table Recognition Programme, which recognises food businesses that procure locally produced ingredients. There are now 50 companies onboard since the Programme began in March 2023. 

Ultimately, supporting local produce is something that all of us – Government, industry, and consumers – have a role to play in, to secure Singapore’s food future!