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Before checking the general classification of food products, traders and manufacturers of food-health products need to determine which competent authority regulates their products. Food-health products could fall under the regulation of either:

  • Singapore Food Agency (SFA), or

  • Health Sciences Authority (HSA).

The import and sale of food and supplements of food nature are governed by the Sale of Food Act and the Food Regulations under SFA.

Importers must ensure that their products comply with SFA’s regulations and labelling requirements.

Meanwhile, medicinal and other health-related products are regulated under HSA’s regulations. Some products include western medicinal products, Chinese proprietary medicines and cosmetic products.

In general, food-health products are regulated by SFA if they are taken as:

  • part of a daily diet, or

  • supplementation to a diet, with no defined dosage.

The classification of food-health products may depend on various factors, please see Classification Tree for Products in the Food-Health Product Interface for more information and product examples.

Do note that this tree serves only as a guide. Please seek confirmation with the respective Authority on your product’s classification.

Last Updated 29 Sep 2024

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