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Requirements for Home-based Food Businesses

All home-based food businesses must comply with the requirements imposed on SFA.


Contents in this page

Who must comply with the requirements?

Anyone who wants to prepare and sell food from their homes, whether in HDB or private apartments, must meet the prevailing conditions and requirements. 

The requirements for home-based food businesses is to ensure food safety for consumers. 

Is obtaining a licence from SFA one of the requirements?

Home-based food businesses currently do not require an SFA licence to operate. 

Given their scale of operations, these businesses pose lower food safety risks compared to restaurants and other food establishments which require a licence by SFA to operate.

They are, however, still required to comply with certain food safety requirements. 

This approach ensures food safety standards are maintained while supporting food entrepreneurs.

What are the food safety requirements?

The food safety requirements imposed on home-based businesses are explained below.

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For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 10 May 2024

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