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Guidelines for Group-Buy Organisers

Group buying is a type of online food business where an organiser buys food in bulk for group members to get lower prices or other perks.

Even though you do not need a licence to organise a group buy, you must still comply with the law. Here is how you can fulfil your legal responsibilities when organising group buys.



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Food safety first

Every food business, no matter how small or informal, must follow the prevailing food safety laws to ensure that food is safe for everyone. SFA will take action against those who break these laws.

Here are some ways you can make sure food is safe for consumption for yourself and your group members:

  • Always buy from reputable sources, i.e. suppliers that are known to be safe and reliable.
  • Before you pass the food to your group members, check it carefully to make sure that the packaging is not damaged.
  • Store the food in the right way and at the correct temperature after you receive it. For instance, if the food is to be kept frozen, make sure it remains frozen until it reaches your group members.

Use the guidelines and resources below to help group buyers practise food safety:

Guidelines for Organisers of Group-Buys Involving Food Products

Purchasing food safely

Do you need a licence to organise group buys?

Group buys are private arrangements among members of a group and do not require a licence from SFA. For example, when you gather a few friends and place an order with a licensed food supplier in Singapore to get a better price, you do not need a licence.

Please note that certain activities involving food products require a licence from SFA. For instance, if you intend to import meat to sell to your network of friends, you will need a licence regardless of the quantity you are importing. For more details, see What You Need to Know for Import of Food.


Importing food

Anyone who wants to import food for sale, whether to a group of members or consumers beyond a private group, must apply for a licence/registration from SFA. For more details, see What You Need to Know for Import of Food.

Icon Warning

Food that you bring back from your travels is only for your personal consumption. It is illegal to sell food that you have brought back to Singapore as part of your personal allowance to others, regardless of the quantity that you wish to sell.

You may face legal action if you are caught doing so, or if someone becomes ill after consuming the food. For details, see General Rule to Bring Food into Singapore (Non-commercial)

Involve Group Members

Food safety is a joint responsibility. Everyone, from the supplier, group buy organiser, and consumer, has a role to play.

As a group buy organiser, you can:

  • Educate and raise awareness among your group members about the need to practise good food safety practices.
  • Encourage your group members to collect their food from you promptly and advise them on the proper way to store the food and to consume it before its expiry date. 
  • Encourage your group members to report online food sellers who may have violated SFA's prevailing food safety laws, using the SFA Online Feedback Form.


For more information
You can contact us via the SFA Online Feedback Form.

Last Updated 17 May 2024

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