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Media Releases

Recall of Gold Plum Vinegar from China due to presence of undeclared allergen, sulphur dioxide


18 Sep 2024

Recall of Gold Plum Vinegar from China due to presence of undeclared allergen, sulphur dioxide

  1. The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has detected sulphur dioxide in Gold Plum Vinegar imported from China by Goy Chiap Hin Pte Ltd, which was not declared on the food  packaging label.

  2. As sulphur dioxide is an allergen, SFA has directed the importer, Goy Chiap Hin Pte Ltd, to recall the implicated products. The recall is ongoing.

  3. Allergen in food could result in allergic reaction to individuals who are sensitive to it.  Presence of excessive levels of sulphur dioxide in food could result in allergenic reactions in  individuals who are hypersensitive to sulphite1  , with symptoms such as hives, itchiness,  stomachache, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Under Singapore’s Food Regulations, food products  containing ingredients that are known to cause hypersensitivity must be declared on food  packaging labels to protect consumers with food allergies. All ingredients in prepacked food  should also be specified on the product label in descending order of the proportions by  weight in which they are present.

  4. Sulphite does not pose a food safety issue to consumers at large, except for those that are intolerant of or allergic to sulphites. Consumers who have purchased the affected  product, and who are intolerant of or allergic to sulphites, should not consume them. Those  who are intolerant of or allergic to sulphites and have consumed the implicated product  should seek medical advice if they have concerns about their health. Consumers may  contact their point of purchase for enquiries.
  5. Details of the products are as follows:
Implicated Product
Product name:
Gold Plum Vinegar – 550ml
Best Before  date: 30/6/2027
Country of  origin: China
Importer: Goy Chiap Hin Pte Ltd


1Sulphite is commonly used as a food additive and is typically tested for as sulphur dioxide (a
gaseous substance)


Issued by SFA
18 September 2024

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