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SFA Whistleblowing Channels

SFA Whistleblowing Channels


The SFA whistleblowing channels provide avenues to report any malpractice, unethical conduct or fraudulent activity occurring within SFA or relating directly to SFA’s personnel or SFA’s appointed vendors, for appropriate investigation and action. The channels are independently managed by the Internal Audit Unit.

Any person who makes a report in good faith shall be rest assured that no action will be taken against him/her even if subsequent investigation reveals no wrongdoing. However, firm action will be taken against any person who makes false, malicious, and frivolous report, including reporting the matter to the police.

Where do I report corruption activities? 

Corruption activities (e.g. corruption, bribery) should be reported directly to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau at the earliest opportunity at e-Complaint for Corrupt Conduct (cpib.gov.sg) (i.e. online report) or call 1800-376-0000.

What can I report on SFA’s Whistleblowing Channel?

Incidents of malpractice, unethical conduct, or fraudulent activity occurring within SFA or relating directly to SFA’s personnel or SFA’s appointed vendors can be reported on SFA’s Whistleblowing Channels. Examples are as follows:     


  • Manipulation and deliberate error in preparation, evaluation, review, audit of financial accounts and records

  • Forgery or alteration of cheques, invoices or documents

  • Stealing of cash/assets/data

  • Reimbursement for fictitious or inflated claims

  • Committing identity theft/using identity for personal gains

Malpractice or unethical conduct of SFA officer/ or SFA’s appointed vendor

  • Unethical and improper practices or alleged wrongful conduct or non-compliance in matters of financial reporting, internal control, or other governance related matters:      

    • Procurement and Grant Management: Unfair specifications, evaluation, and award practices., not observing proper procedures for disbursement of monies, etc.

    • Regulatory inspections/ licensing/ lab tests/ research: Bias practices, failure to report and follow procedures on food safety lapses, misrepresentation of facts/ observations/ results, etc.

  • Failure to disclose personal interests which may conflict with SFA’s transactions or regulatory functions and engaging in business transactions with conflict of interest.

Reporting Channels

The Whistleblowing Channels include:

Online Form

Submit Online

52 Jurong Gateway Road, JEM Office Tower, #14-01
Singapore 608550

Attention to Head (Internal Audit Unit)

All other feedback or enquiries (e.g. feedback on food products, feedback on companies licensed by SFA, enquiries on SFA services) not relating to the whistleblowing purpose above should be sent to our online feedback form.

Information to be Provided

To encourage responsible use of the whistle blowing channel, you should identify yourself and indicate your name and contact details in the report. Your identity and the concerns or irregularities raised by you will be treated with confidence and every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout the process. In reporting any unethical, fraudulent or corrupt activity, you shall, to the best of your ability, ensure that the information you provide is accurate. Your report should provide the following information where possible:

  • Nature of the alleged malpractice;

  • Names of people allegedly involved;

  • Names of any witnesses;

  • Date, time and location of incident (including multiple occurrences);

  • When the incident was first observed;

  • Details of any evidence you may have or know of;

  • The value of any money or asset involved;

  • Frequency of occurrence.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I remain anonymous?
    You may choose to raise your concerns anonymously. However, concerns expressed anonymously may hinder follow-up clarifications and investigations. Whistleblowers are encouraged to identify themselves where possible to facilitate the investigation process.

  • How will the confidentiality of my identity and the information I provide be protected?
    The identity of the whistleblower and all information disclosed will remain confidential. Under certain circumstances, the identity of the whistleblower may be revealed as necessary or appropriate to conduct investigations, to take remedial actions, or as required by any applicable laws and regulations.

  • Will law enforcement agencies be notified of reports made via the SFA Whistleblowing channel?
    The information received from you will be assessed, and the relevant law enforcement agencies will be notified where necessary and appropriate.

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