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Application Process & Fees for Licence / Registration for Food Manufacturing & Storage

Below are the steps to apply for a licence to operate a coldstore, food processing establishment, slaughterhouse or food storage warehouse.


Applying for a Licence

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Applying for a Licence

Follow the steps below to apply for a licence. The licences are valid for 1 year.

The application fee (where payable) includes the evaluation of layout plans and process flow charts, as well as a joint site inspection of the completed premises to ensure that the site complies with SFA's requirements.

Type of annual licenceApplication FeeLicence Fee
Licence to Operate a Coldstore for storage of meat & seafood products$147.20$260

Licence to Operate a Food Processing Establishment

  1. Meat & fish processing establishment
  2. Other processed food establishment
    a) Below 200 m2 (small)
    b) 200 to 750 m2 (medium)
    c) Above 750 m2 (large)


  1. $260

  2. a) $180 (small)
    b) $360 (medium)
    c) $600 (large) 
Licence to Operate a Meat or Fish Food Processing Establishment where meat or fish products in containers are hermetically sealed and thereafter preserved by subjection to heat treatment$147.20$840 
Licence to Operate a Slaughterhouse for poultry$147.20$1,000
Licence to Operate a Slaughterhouse for livestock$147.20$4,000

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After obtaining your licence

Seek approval for additional trades or change in layout

You must obtain SFA’s approval before you carry out additional trades or change the layout of your premises. Please refer to the Responsibilities of Food Establishment Operators for more information.

Registering Food Storage Warehouses (non-meat/fish products)

Registering Food Storage Warehouses (non-meat/fish products)

Food storage warehouses are any buildings, facilities, structures, or premises where food is stored for the sale or distribution to other processors, wholesalers, or any other business selling or distributing to the ultimate consumer. This includes cold rooms for the storage of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. 

All food storage warehouses are encouraged to register for traceability. Registrations are valid for 1 year. There are no fees to register.

Follow the steps below to register:


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Last Updated 16 Oct 2024

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